Council of Community
September 25, 2014
7p.m. Hubley Community Centre
Host: Five bridges Wilderness Heritage Trust
Peter Lund, co-chair of Five Bridges Wilderness Heritage Trust (FBWHT) welcomed everyone to the September meeting of the Council of Community Organizations and introduced the guest speaker, Lauren Slaunwhite. Peter explained that FBWHT had received a $2,500 grant from RBC Bluewater, and a summer student through the Nova Scotia Youth Corps in order to conduct a water quality analysis of the Nine Mile River.
It had come to Peters attention that the Nine Mile River is considered to be mesotrophic. He therefore proposed that FBWHT adopt the Nine Mile River in order to examine existing data and supplement with field work.
Lauren Slaunwhite is a student at NSCC and was hired for July and August to collect water quality data and GIS data. Peter Lund acted as her supervisor and will be conducting an analysis of her data to determine what action may be required.
Lauren made a presentation at the meeting, outlining the sample locations, methodology and recommendations for future analysis. She indicated that for the most part, water quality was above her expectations. However, she noted that all samples were taken in the summer when water levels were low and only surface water could be tested. She recommended that further samples be taken in other seasons following heavy rain fall in order to test ground water.
Laboratory analysis found good water quality except the presence of faecal coliform and E. coli near the Lakeside Industrial Park and Governors Lake.
Further analysis will be presented at a future meeting.
Woodens River Watershed Envirtonmental Organization is circulating information to Halifax Council and the community regarding the impacts of proposed changes to Otter Lake Landfill on the Bluff Wilderness Hiking Trail, particularly the proposal to increase cell height by 15m. They are asking other organizations to circulate the information and support their efforts to oppose these changes.
There have been issues with damage and vandalism on the Bluff Trail and vehicles broken into in the parking lot. Please report any damage to WRWEO.
The Hubley Community Centre currently has 7 50 youth using the facility. They are conducting fundraising activities to help with operating costs. On Oct. 19, 2014 they will be hosting an Arts and Crafts show and they will also be hosting a New Years Eve party with a live band.
The Three Brooks Homeowners Association successfully sought an addition to the Five Bridge Lakes Wilderness Area. There are now ongoing discussions about the possibility of constructing a trail in HRM parkland adjacent to the subdivision. Their annual general meeting will be held on October 21, 2014.
BLT Rails to Trails has been conducting maintenance on the trail. HRM is not providing funding for recapping on the trails this year, so they are seeking alternative sources of funding.
The Community Monitoring Committee for the Otter Lake Landfill has been engaged with the Halifax Waste Resource Society regarding proposed changes to the landfill. In the spring Halifax Council deferred motions relating to the landfill for three months in order for staff to work with the Waste Resource Society to study the proposed height increase and solid waste campus. Halifax has hired consultants to review the technical feasibility of increasing cell height, but other factors such as noise, smell and environment are not part of that study. Staff is expected to make its recommendation to Council on Nov. 1.
Safety Minded ATV Association has a trail management agreement that allows them to keep two trails within FBLWA open to OHVs. They began trail construction near the EHS centre in Tantallon. They have completed 3.1km of trail to Birch Lake, Joshua Slocum to FBLWA, and across the Old Coach Rd. all the way to Nine Mile River. They are now making plans to construct bridges at Nine Mile River and the Little Indian Lake outflow.
St. MargaretŐs Bay Stewardship has spearheaded the Bay Treasure Chest initiative. This weekly 50-50 draw collects funds for five community organizations.
The next CoCO meeting will be held on November 19. WRWEO will be the host organization.